Council Tax Support scheme changes

What has not changed

  • War Pensions will continue to be disregarded in full
  • Child Benefit and child maintenance will continue to be disregarded in full
  • Those of pension age will continue to be protect from all changes

The table below compares the current CTS scheme with the new one

Current scheme Revised scheme

Four CTS groups

  1. Pensioners
  2. Working age vulnerable
  3. Working age employed
  4. Working age other

Two new CTS Groups for those receiving Universal Credit

  1. Pensioners
  2. Working Age Universal Credit Vulnerable
  3. Working Age Universal Credit Other
  4. Working Age Vulnerable
  5. Working Age Employed
  6. Working Age Other



Ignore small changes – for those in the Universal Credit groups, small changes in entitlement will be ignored until cumulatively the change is a decrease or increase of £3.25 or more per week. 

For those not on Universal Credit, all changes in entitlement will be actioned.

The definition of vulnerable is where the applicant, or any partner, receives an enhanced disablement premium or severe disablement premium or has a dependant in receipt of a disabled child premium.

The definition of vulnerable is extended to cover those on Universal Credit.  The definition of vulnerable is where the applicant, or any partner, receives an enhanced disablement premium or severe disablement premium or Universal Credit Limited Capability for Work in accordance with Employment and Support Allowance regulations 2008 or has a dependant in receipt of a disabled child premium.

Partial protection from changes given to those who qualify for the severe or enhanced disability premiums – the ‘vulnerable’

Partial protection continues for the vulnerable
CTS restricted to a maximum of the Band D charge for all

Clarified that this means CTS is restricted to a maximum of the Band D charge for those in Band E.

Those who are entitled to a Disabled Band Relief in Band F will also be able to claim as the daily liability is calculated as Band E.

With the exception of those classed as vulnerable, everyone must pay at least 20% of the Band D charge - the vulnerable must pay at least 10%

CTS entitlement calculated at less than £10.00 per week is not paid except for those classed as vulnerable - previous level of £5.00 per week maintained

The maximum entitlement remains 90% of daily liability for the vulnerable and 80% for all other groups.

Those in Band E will have the maximum calculated as 90% or 80% of Band D

No CTS entitlement calculated at less than £5.00 per week will be paid for all groups

Capital limit reduced to £10,000 except for the vulnerable – maintained at £16,000

Capital limits remain as £10,000 and £16,000

Second Adult Rebate withdrawn Second Adult Rebate remains withdrawn
Backdating left at three months Backdating remains at three months

The Additional Earnings Disregard of £17.10 is removed for those receiving Universal Credit

For those not on Universal Credit they may still be eligible for the Additional Earnings Disregard

War Pensions disregarded in full War Pensions remains disregarded in full
Child Benefit and child maintenance disregarded Child Benefit and child maintenance remain disregarded
Allowed temporary absence outside of the UK reduced to four weeks to match the Housing Benefit regulations No further changes to temporary absence. These rules now match the Housing Benefit regulations
Entitlement to CTS removed entirely for those in properties in Bands F, G & H

No entitlement to CTS for those in properties in Bands F, G & H.

The exception is if Disabled Band Relief for those in Band F.
Clarification made in relation to the calculation of an applicant’s applicable amount where there is an award of Universal Credit  No change to the calculation of Applicable Amounts where UC is awarded
Child Benefit and child maintenance disregarded Child Benefit and child maintenance remain disregarded
Allowed temporary absence outside of the UK reduced to four weeks to match the Housing Benefit regulations No further changes to temporary absence. These rules now match the Housing Benefit regulations
Entitlement to CTS removed entirely for those in properties in Bands F, G and H

No entitlement to CTS for those in properties in Bands F, G and H

The exception is where Disabled Band Relief for those in Band F exists

Acceptance of an application for Universal credit as an application for CTS

For those not on Universal Credit a new claim for CTS will have to be made. Go to
Non-dependent deductions amended to match the rate set by the Government in the Prescribed Requirements

For those in the Universal Credit groups there will be two non-dependant deduction rates: £5 if the non-dependant is out of work and £10 if working.

For those not on Universal Credit, the non-dependent deductions continue to match the rate set by the Government in the Prescribed Requirements   

  Disregard Local Welfare Payments as either income or capital 



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