TENS guide
Event criteria
- there must be no more than 499 people attending (this includes performers)
- they last no longer than 168 hours (7 days) in total, the minimum period for a TEN is 24hrs
- if you are submitting more than one TEN there must be 24 hours between events
- the maximum number of days a premise can have a TEN in a calendar year is 21 (a ‘day’ in is defined as a period of 24hrs beginning at midnight)
- the maximum number of TENs which can be held at the same premises in a calendar year is 15. A TEN can last more than one day, if for example you had a TEN which covered a 2-day period you would have used up 2 of your 21 days but only 1 TEN
- a personal licence holder can submit up to 50 standard TENS in a calendar year (10 for late TENs)
- a non-personal licence holder can submit up to 5 standard TENS in a calendar year, (2 for late TENs)
- the cost of a TEN is £21.00 This is non-refundable
When to submit a TEN
Your standard Temporary Event Notice (TEN) must be completed correctly and submitted and in the possession the Licensing Authority (Council), Police and the Councils Environmental Health Officer no later than 10 clear working days or for a Late (TEN) 5 clear working days prior to the event. The day of submission and the day of the event itself are not included as one of these working days so please ensure you submit them on time. You can submit a TEN for an event as soon as you know about it even if it is next year.
How to submit a TEN
The best way to submit your TEN is by using our online form and you can pay electronically.
You can download and complete the application form and email to licensing @runnymede.gov.uk or you can print a copy the form and email to the same address, post or hand-deliver to the
Licensing Section
Runnymede Civic Centre
Station Road
KT15 2AH
When you submit your application form it is your responsibility to send the Police and the Councils Environmental Health Officer a copy (unless it has been submitted electronically), they must receive it within 10 (5 for late TEN) working days, so you must allow time for the post to reach them. If you submit your application by email the licensing section will do this for you, otherwise you must print copies and send them separately. Their addresses are
Environmental Protection Division
Runnymede Borough Council
Runnymede Civic Centre
Station Road
KT15 2AH
Surrey Police Licensing
PO Box101
GU1 9PE.
Please note that dropping your form for the Police at the Council offices does not mean you have given the notice to the Police
For payments, you can pay via the online link or we can take a payment by debit card over the phone by calling our customer services on 01932 838383 as soon as possible after submission of your form, the TEN will not be valid until payment has been made. Please note the fee of £21 is non-refundable in all cases.
Our office hours are 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
What happens next?
The Council receives your application and will check to ensure it is fully completed, has been submitted in time, that the TEN criteria are met and payment has been made.
If it is incomplete it will be returned to you for completion.
If it has not been submitted in time it is void, the licensable activities which you had requested will not have any authorisation to take place and you will be committing a criminal offence if you proceed.
Once checked the Council will send you a copy of your TEN, normally by email. This is your acknowledgement that we have received your TEN.
The Police and Environmental Health then have 3 working days to assess the TEN and can make an objection based on the licensing objectives. Please note this is a rare occurrence but should there be an objection you will be informed on the day of the objection.
At the event you must keep the copy of the TEN at the premises, we recommend this is displayed behind the bar or other space where it cannot be tampered with.
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Get in touch about licensing
The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.