Surface water management

SuDs design guidance

2.1 All major development must make provision for sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). It will be essential that SuDS are properly planned at the beginning of the design process for the development. It will not be acceptable to leave the design of SuDS to a later stage to be dealt with by planning conditions. It will also be expected that developers will show how they have considered SuDS when they are going through the pre-application process. Developers and their design teams need to take into account different factors including the layout of the site, topography and geology when planning and positioning the different SuDS elements for the whole scheme. This information will be required for both outline and full applications so it is clearly demonstrated that the SuDS can be accommodated within the development that is proposed.

2.2 To assist developers and their design teams on how to properly plan for SuDS, Surrey County Council working in partnership with the South East Seven, have 2 RBC SuDS Advice note v1 prepared the guidance document – Water People Places. Defra and DCLG have produced the Non-Statutory Technical Standards and the updated NPPG which set out the national requirements. Surrey County Council have also prepared a list of evidence items that it will use to assess the compliance of schemes with the Standards and the NPPG – Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance