Surface water management

SuDS validation

4. RBC Validation requirements and use of surface water drainage summary statement proforma

4.1 From 6 April 2015, surface water drainage is a material planning consideration for making decisions on planning applications. Runnymede BC has therefore amended its Validation Document containing its local list of information requirements, to require an applicant for major development to submit a Sustainable Drainage Statement. This will address all the requirements of the NPPG and the Non Statutory Technical Standards. To assist applicants and to ensure that all the information requirements are covered, the Council has produced a summary sheet which takes an applicant through the different stages of the design of the SuDS scheme for a particular development proposal. If this is completed and submitted with the Sustainable Drainage Statement, there should be every expectation that the SuDS scheme will be acceptable to the LLFA. Please contact the RBC planning department at if you have any queries about the validation process.

4.2 It is important that the Sustainable Drainage Statement and the summary statement are completed by a competent drainage engineer recognised by the Engineering Council the Institution of Civil Engineers (or equivalent). RBC therefore requests that the competent person signs the Statement and summary sheet, listing their qualifications.

5. Further information and guidance.