Best Value Duty

Self-Assessment Results

1. Continuous Improvement
CI001 CI002 CI003 CI004 CI005 CI006
CI007 CI008 CI009 CI010 CI011 CI012
 2. Leadership
L001 L002 L003 L004 L005 L006
L007 L008 L009 L0010 L0011 L0012
3. Governance
G001 See CI012 G003 G004 G005 G006
G007 G008 G009 G0010 G0011  
 4. Culture
C001 C002 C003 C004 C005 C006
C007 C008 C009 C010 C011  
5. Use of Resources
R001 R002 R003 R004 R005 R006
R007 R008 R009 R010 R011 R012
 6. Service Delivery
SD001 SD002 SD003 SD004 SD005 SD006
SD007 SD008 SD009 SD010    
7. Partnerships and Community Engagement
PCE001 PCE002 PCE003 PCE004 PCE005 PCE006

In summary, across the seven Best Value themes and 73 ‘characteristics of a well-functioning authority’ that are described in the statutory Best Value guidance, the following scores have been assigned for the organisation (as of 1 August 2024):

As can be seen by the scoring ‘heat map’ diagram, the overall majority colour is light green indicating that the narratives and evidence produced to support the self-assessment of the characteristics across the themes show broad alignment with the Best Value Duty. Every theme scores a mixture of colours indicating both areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. No single theme is yellow or amber for all or most characteristics which would indicate a thematic cause for concern.

Action Plan

The output from the self-assessment was reported to Standards & Audit Committee in July 2024. This includes, at Appendix A, the action plan arising from the self-assessment against the statutory Best Value Duty guidance. For each characteristic where an opportunity for improvement has been identified, this is described along with the action plan, the officers responsible for delivering the action and an indicative timeline. All actions will be added to the corporate performance system as ‘in-year activity’ assigned to the relevant service areas. Within the tool, timelines for delivery will be further refined to provide a start and end date around other competing priorities. Progress will then be tracked through established corporate performance monitoring mechanisms.

Thematic Analysis

In addition, a thematic analysis of the results from our self-assessment was carried out to generate a resource that highlights the main strengths, the key challenges, and the areas for improvement that were identified in each theme through the self-assessment. By determining the Council’s areas of success and the overarching priorities that will facilitate improvement in the areas we have shortfalls, we will be able to direct our resources accordingly, resolve the issue and ensure that our Best Value Duty is being upheld.