Corporate Business Plan and strategies

Corporate Business Plan

Corporate Business Plan 2022-26

Like a lot of complex organisations, Runnymede Borough Council has a medium term plan to guide its work. Councillors approved our four year Corporate Business Plan and five overarching strategies which underpin it in October 2022.

The Corporate Business Plan is the Council’s top level strategic document. Together with the strategies, it sets out our priority areas of work which we describe as our themes, and how we will use our resources to achieve them.

Our themes are:

  • Climate Change
  • Empowering our Communities
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Economic Development
  • Organisational Development

We will continue to provide all the services which we are required by law to deliver, such as planning and collecting the bins. These themes guide how we will improve people’s quality of life.

Some of the work covered by this Corporate Business Plan has already been carried out during the earlier months of the year, but publication of the documents brings everything together in one place.