Corporate Business Plan and strategies

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Analysts have placed greater emphasis in recent years on the importance of what’s known as the ‘wider determinants of health’. While it’s for the NHS to treat health problems, the Council can create a social and physical environment which supports good health. Key areas of activity include:

Housing, as the Council owns nearly 3,000 homes, supports housing associations and regulates the private rented sector.

Environmental health is key in regulating business especially food and beverage units and in community safety.

Our community services support the voluntary sector and provide leisure and recreational services for our residents.

‘Wellbeing’ is also supported by community safety functions carried out by Runnymede as well as support for the voluntary sector.

We are a key member of the North West Surrey Health and Care Alliance and our Health and Wellbeing Strategy aligns with the alliance’s own strategies and plans.