Apply for a Hackney Carriage or a private hire driver's licence as a new applicant
Until you have a licence, you cannot, under any circumstances, act as a licensed driver or drive any licensed vehicle. Doing so will make you liable to prosecution.
Prior to the issue of a licence we must be satisfied that you are a fit and proper person to hold a licence. This involves you taking a knowledge test and the Council checking your driving record, medical record, criminal record (through a DBS check) and immigration status. The various stages of the process are shown in the steps below.
Please ensure you fall within our policy guidelines before you begin the process.
For applicants who have been resident in a country other than the UK we will require an equivalent DBS certificate from that country, please see 5.35 of our policy for full details.
How to make your application
To assist you, the process is shown in the steps below. We have kept this as simple and straightforward as possible. Please ensure that all forms are completed properly and you have provided all the documentation required to prevent delays in the process.
Step One:
Medical examination report
You must provide a medical examination report to demonstrate you meet the DVLA Group 2 medical standard, this must be carried out by your own GP or a doctor who has access to your complete medical records.
Please note that this report will only be accepted by the Council if it is less than 3 months old so you should not delay in completing the rest of the steps for your licence.
Many drivers have found that they have had to wait a considerable amount of time for a medical examination so please book early as you may have to wait a few weeks before you can get an appointment.
Your doctor must use the form supplied by the council for the medical examination.
While waiting for an appointment you can if you wish carry on with steps 2, 3, 4 and 5. (Please note - if your doctor states you are not fit to drive your application may be refused).
Step two:
Knowledge test
You must pass Runnymede's knowledge test.
The knowledge test is designed to ensure you have sufficient knowledge of the local area and the regulations for drivers and vehicles. This is regularly reviewed to ensure it does not become a barrier to applicants.
Prior to sitting the knowledge test please ensure you understand our Licensing Policy this includes conditions and requirements for drivers and vehicles as well as statutory requirements. It is essential that you use the study guide contained in the Knowledge test link above to assist you in gaining the knowledge to pass this test.
Step three:
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check
You must obtain an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
This is an online application process; full details are contained in the guidance below:
The original DBS certificate must be submitted with your licence application. Please note that the DBS certificate will only be accepted by the Council if it is less than 3 months old so you should not delay in completing the rest of the steps for your licence.
A criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to your application, if for any reason we require further information, or you do not meet our conditions and requirements we will contact you and discuss the matter.
If you have any questions concerning convictions or motoring offences, see our Hackney Carriage and private hire policy (appendix 'D'), Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2020 to 2025 or contact the licensing section.
Step four:
Safeguarding and Child Sexual Exploitation awareness training
All new driver applicants are required to attend a virtual classroom Taxi Safeguarding course specific to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire drivers.
To book a place on a course and for full details of the training, please visit the Taxi Safeguarding page on the Blue Lamp Trust website:
Once completed download and/or print your certificate, you will need to submit this with your application.
Step five:
Disability Awareness Training
You must complete disability awareness training. This is an online program provided by a number of providers, you must have a personal email address in order to carry out this training.
To access the training course follow the instructions below:
You must carry out this training with any one of the companies below, the links shown below will take you straight to the disability awareness training booking page. It is up to you to arrange the training yourselves the Council have no part in making arrangements or contracts with any of the training providers.
Once completed download and/or print your certificate, you will need to submit this with your application.
Step six:
Paying for your licence
Your application is not valid until the fee has been paid.
Please note the Council do not accept cash or cheque payments.
The fee can be paid using the link at the bottom of this page.
Step Seven:
Submitting your application
Please ensure that all forms are completed properly and you have provided all the documentation required to prevent delays in the process. Your application will not be considered if you do not submit the correct fee and the required documents.
When steps 1 to 6 have been completed you can submit your application form. You can either post this or hand it in to our reception at the Civic Centre (marked for the attention of taxi licensing).
You must include the following original documents with your application form:
- proof of having passed the knowledge test, (this will be in the form of a letter from the council)
- your medical report
- your driving licence
- a current valid DVLA access code obtained from the online DVLA Shared Driving Licence service to allow the licensing authority to check your driving record (or equivalent records if applying with a licence issued by another country)
- your birth certificate or any passports you hold
- proof of leave to remain/right to work in the UK i.e. a biometric residence permit
- two recent passport quality (45mm by 35mm) colour photographs these must be full faced i.e. uncovered (without sunglasses, headgear, veil or similar unless worn for a religious or medical reason)
- your DBS certificate
- in addition to the above (j) for applicants who have been resident in a country other than the UK - an equivalent DBS or certificate of good conduct from that country. Please see section 5.39 of our
policy for full details.
- your certificate for Safeguarding and Child Sexual Exploitation awareness
- your certificate for Disability Awareness Training
Step Eight:
The Council receive your application
Once received your application will then be considered and provided you meet the requirements your licence will be granted as soon as possible.
We aim to make decision on the granting of licenses within 10 working days of receipt however this is frequently quicker. Delays only occur where there are errors in the application form or enquiries which have to be made with third parties.
Please use the link below to make payment.
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The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.