Greener homes and buildings

Runnymede asset management plan

The Runnymede Housing Asset Management Plan 2021-2026 contains information on the investment being made in improving the condition of the Council’s housing stock and providing new homes. The document includes a focus on environmental sustainability, with the objectives identified within the plan serving to enhance the built environment by delivering over £50m worth of investment in the Council’s 2850 homes. This plan also delivers estimated reductions in carbon emissions of 709 tonnes annually (by 2030) with the improvement in the energy efficiency performance of the Council’s housing stock (based on data from 498 properties where the CO2 rating exceeds C performing at a C rating by 2030). The plan also seeks to reduce the amount of waste from Council owned homes going to landfill.

To read the Housing Asset Management Plan in more detail and see other key documents related to the Council’s housing stock, visit the strategic housing documents page.