Chertsey Hall

Terms and conditions

Hall capacity

Centre capacities depend on the nature of the booking. Consult with Centre Manager to confirm maximum numbers possible for your event and layout.

As general guide the maximum capacities for the venue (for auditorium style seating) is as follows

  • Main Hall - 260
  • Small Hall 1 - 75
  • Small Hall 2 - 75
  • Room 1 - 20
  • Room 2 - 30
  • Bar Lounge - 2

Applications for hiring

2.1 All applications for hire must be made via the online booking form or via Customer Services

2.2 The Organisation and the Organiser whose names and/or Title appear on the booking form, shall be deemed to be the Hirer and shall be solely, or in the case of more than one jointly and severally liable and responsible for complying with these terms of hire.

2.3 The Hirer must state clearly on the booking form the purpose of the hire. The hall shall not be used for any other purpose.

2.4 The benefit and obligations of the hiring may not be transferred to any person not identified as the Hirer on the booking form without the written consent of the Council.

2.5 The Halls are not available for hire between Christmas Eve and New Years Day and on Bank Holidays.

2.6 Minimum booking period is 2 hours


3.1 On acceptance of booking confirmation will be sent to via email. The booking is provisional until you have received confirmation email. Confirmation will only be sent once all necessary paperwork and full payment has been received. We recommend no invitations be sent or definite plans made until email confirmation is received. An invoice for the centre hire can be requested via the online booking system. If the balance is not paid in the period stipulated, the Council may, deem that the Hirer has elected to cancel the booking.  The Hirer shall then be liable for any losses arising from the booking cancellation, including but not limited to the full hire charge less any charges recouped by the Council relating to substitute bookings.

3.2 Full payment is required at the time of the booking when there is less than two months to your event date. You can select to pay by invoice when there is more than two months to your event date. You will be required to pay your invoice two months before your event date.

3.3 For the purposes of assessing the hire fees and charges, the Council shall determine the category into which the event falls.

3.4 Where an advanced hiring is accepted the charge will be at the rate applicable on the date of the event (the date of hire) and payable at the time of booking.

3.5 The Hirer may cancel the hire by giving 1 (one) calendar months’ notice (prior to the date of hire).  Cancellations of less than 1 (one) months notice maybe be subject to cancellation fee. If you wish to cancel your event you must ring customer services during office hours.

The hirer

4.1 Is responsible for arriving at the hall at the time specified on their booking, (no access prior to booking time) and staff will wait 15 minutes from the booking time. You must advise Centre staff, by calling 01784 456102, if you are delayed to ensure access to the building. Failure to comply could deem your booking cancelled.

4.2 Is responsible for advising all those attending their event of the fire escape procedures and what to do in an emergency.

4.3 Is required to ensure that any live or amplified music at the event shall not cause nuisance to occupiers of neighbouring property. All music must stop at the time agreed between the Council and the Hirer and in any event no later than 23.00 hrs.

4.4 In the event of excessive noise which shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Council. Council Officers may enter the event and terminate it immediately, and further reserves the right to refuse future applications by the Hirer to hire any Council Community Hall.

4.5 Must use their best endeavours to ensure that the Hall is left in the condition it was prior to commencement of the event and must take all reasonable measure to avoid loss or damage to Council property.

4.6 Is required to clean and tidy the Hall (including but not limited to work surfaces, floors, washbasins and WCs used for the event) to the standard of cleanliness that the Centre and facilities were in prior to the event.  If the tea bar is booked, the Hirer is responsible for clearing and cleaning this (including emptying the dishwasher) returning everything to its rightful place. The Hirer should allow adequate time for cleaning at the end of the event (within the booking period). In addition, all rubbish must be disposed of appropriately in the bins and the premises vacated on time.

4.7 Is responsible for first aid (and any first aid equipment) for all those attending their event.

4.8 Shall comply with the requirements of the Premises Licence including any regulated entertainments at their event. Details of the Premises Licence conditions are display at the Centre.

4.9 Shall ensure that NO intoxicating liquor shall be brought into the premises without previous consent.

4.10 Shall indemnify the Council against any claims, demands, costs actions or proceedings arising out of the infringement of copyright or any relevant music licences during the period of hire and which is part of the hire fee. The Hirer will be liable for any charges arising where he/she has failed to comply with this requirement and further fee may be levied for which the Hirer will remain liable.

 4.11 Shall ensure that all activities relating to the event take place within the area() covered by the booking. Outside areas are also not considered part of the hired area and should not be used as such. All furniture and equipment in these areas should be returned as you found it and no furniture to be taken outside the building.

4.12 Shall ensure that all persons attending the premises for the Hirers’ event have left the Hall at the end of the event.

4.13 Shall ensure that uninvited persons or those exhibiting antisocial behaviour, intoxication or persons who are suspected to be under the influence of drugs are not permitted to enter, remain in or otherwise make use of the premises during the period of hire. The Council may require the Hirer to remove or cause to be removed any such person from the premises.      
4.14 Shall if applicable, comply with the requirements of any cinematographic licenses.

4.15 Shall not later than the end of the hiring period report any damage to the premises or equipment to the officer on duty.

4.16 Shall remove all equipment belonging to the Hirer or his/her agents (including caterers) from the premises by the end of the hiring period.

4.17 Shall ensure that all setting up and clearing away must be within the agreed hired times. This includes ensuring that all entertainments are terminated accordingly to allow sufficient time to clear up and vacate the premises within the booking times.

 4.18 Shall ensure that visitors to the premises during the period of hire do not cause nuisance or annoyance to any adjoining property owners and that they vacate the premises and the area in quiet and orderly fashion, and show consideration to local residents.

4.19 Shall are responsible for ensuring any risks are identified and take appropriate steps to mitigate.

4.20 Shall ensure that any third party company such as entertainers, DJs and catering companies they employ have Public Liability Insurance that covers all activities and equipment for the duration of the hire (minimum requirement £5). Copy of the insurance must be submitted to the council at the time of booking.

4.20 Shall ensure that the use of any inflatables such bouncy castles compile with the latest health and safety guidelines.

4.21 The Hirer may also be required to provide qualified door persons or security staff from company approved by the Council (and whom must be SIA registered), details of which must be provided by the hirer prior to the identified as part of the function for approval. This would be risk identified in the risk assessment detailed in clause 4.19 above.

The Council

5.1 Shall be responsible for securing the premises at the end of the event. 

5.2 May require the premises in connection with Parliamentary or local Election or for any other purpose. In such cases the Council may cancel the hiring and any charges paid in respect of the hiring shall be returnable without interest and the Council shall not be liable to pay any compensation to any person in respect of the cancellation of the hiring.

5.3 May cancel or refuse booking at any time if Officers are of the opinion that:

  • 5.4.1 the nature of the booking is potentially offensive to the public in general
  • 5.4.2 the proposed event may result in breach of the peace or damage to Council property or other illegal activity whether the fault of the Hirer or otherwise.
  • 5.4.3 the event is not as stated clearly on the booking form

In the event of such cancellation the Council shall return any fees or charges paid by the Hirer but the Council shall not be liable for any compensation whatsoever arising from such cancellation.
5.4 May through its officers and agents enter the premises at any time and satisfy themselves that these terms of hire are being complied with.

5.5 May terminate an event at any time and with immediate effect after it commenced where in the  opinion of Council Officers

  • 5.5.1 the Hirer or persons attending their event is/are exhibiting behaviour which is potentially offensive to other users or neighbours of the Hall
  • 5.5.2 there appears to be breach of the peace or damage to Council property or other illegal activity arising from the event whether the fault of the Hirer or otherwise
  • 5.5.3 the noise emanating from the event has received complaints from local residents and would be likely to be considered to be nuisance to local residents albeit of temporary nature

In the event of such termination the Council shall not be liable to return any hire fee or compensation to the Hirer for any losses arising from such termination.

Limitation of liability

The Council’ liability in the event that the premises or any equipment are not available or hiring is cancelled for whatever reason shall be limited to and shall not exceed the hiring charge of the cancelled facility.

Dining events, dinner dances, weddings, parties and fairs

7.1 Hirers must take account of risks associated with dancing during an event (in particular in their risk assessment detailed in clause 4.19 above). 


The Hirer IS NOT permitted to bring alcohol onto the premises without prior consent.  If the Hirer wishes to sell or supply alcohol to invitees they may be required to apply for Temporary Event Notice from Runnymede Borough Council Licensing Department.  Staff will check on the day to ensure you have adhered to any permissions granted

General conditions

All lettings are subject to the following conditions

8.1 No amendments/additions to the hall booking or its equipment shall be made without the prior consent of the Council. Minimum of 14 days notice is required. Failure to comply may result in refusal of equipment. 

8.2 Posters, banners, placards, decorations and flags are not to be affixed to fixtures or fabric so as to cause any damage and must not obstruct gangways or entrances or fire exits. Approval of the aforementioned must be sought from the Centre Manager. 

8.3 No bolts, screws, nails or tacks shall be driven into any part of the premises or drawing pins or sellotape used.

8.4 The use of Barbecues, gas bottles/cylinders are strictly prohibited from the whole site; Helium filled balloons are permissible, provided that they are inflated prior to bringing them onto the premises.
8.5 No wax or powder shall be placed upon the floor without the authority of the Centre Manager.

8.6 No materials of an inflammable or explosive nature, or items or materials producing an offensive smell, or any oil, electric, gas or any other engine shall be brought into the hall or its grounds.

8.7 Animals are not permitted in the centre or its grounds unless with the express permission from Centre Manager. Assistance dogs are permitted but must be kept on lead and under control at all times. The award of live animals as prizes is prohibited.

8.8 All entrances, gates, gangways and fire exits are to be kept clear at all times.

8.9 Furniture or equipment which may be relocated, with prior consent of the Centre Manager must be returned to its original position at the end of the function.

8.10 No strobe/laser effects lighting, ice, smoke or bubble machines shall be used.

8.11 No additional lights or electrical equipment or apparatus of any kind shall be used or extensions made from existing electrical fittings without the previous consent of the Council. Any electrical items must also be PAT tested by qualified electrician, and be labelled accordingly. The Centre Manager has the right to refuse the use of equipment if current and valid PAT test is not evident

8.12 Candlelit functions/candles/incense sticks are not permitted.

8.13 No ball games or ball related games/equipment permitted anywhere on site.

Failure to observe conditions

If the Hirer shall fail to observe or perform in any respect or secure the due observance or performance by others of the provisions of this Agreement, the Council may, without notice, forthwith terminate the Hirer’ rights and effect immediate vacation of the Centre. Such termination shall not release the Hirer from any of his or her obligations or affect any right or remedy which the Council may have and the Council shall be entitled to retain for their own use and benefit any monies paid by way of deposit and to sue for any balance outstanding.

Damage to council property

11.1 The Hirer shall take good care of and shall not cause any damage or permit or suffer any damage to be done to the hired premises, or any part thereof, to any fittings, equipment or other property therein and shall make good and pay for any damage thereto (including accidental damage) caused by any act or neglect of himself, his servants, agents or any person resorting to the hired premises by reason of the use of the hired premises by him. Where appropriate the hirer must provide apparatus, if any is required, to protect the premises, fittings and equipment from any damage (mats to protect the floor).

11.2 Unless the Hirer shall show before the commencement of the period of hiring that any property of the Council in the hall is damaged, and reports this fact to the Council Officer, such property shall be deemed to have been undamaged at the commencement of the period of hire.

Damage or loss of property and accidents

12.1 In no circumstances will the Council accept responsibility for the loss, theft, damage of or to any goods or property of the Hirer or of any visitor to the premises. This includes any property left in the centre overnight.

12.2 The Hirer shall indemnify the Council, their officers and servants against all claims, demands, actions or proceedings in respect of the death or of injury to any person or damage to, loss of property belonging to any person arising out of the use of the hall otherwise than as result of the defective condition of the centre or the Council’ equipment or the negligence of the Council, its agents, officers or servants.


13.1 The Hirer shall be liable for all Third-Party Claims involving personal injury or property damage where the Hirer has been negligent.

13.2 Public Liability Insurance cover of £5 million will be arranged by the Council at charge of 12% Hall hire, providing the Hirer falls under the criteria set by the insurers. An excess charge of £100 will be payable by the Hirer on any claim. comply may result in cancellation of booking.

13.3 The Council cannot arrange insurance cover in respect of individuals and organisations hiring the premises for commercial or business practises and for any meetings/events arranged by political parties or professional organisations (Scout Groups, Chambers of Commerce, Community Associations, Weight Watchers etc.) and cannot be used for profit making events (Help the Aged, Oxfam etc.), Craft Fairs, Car Boot Sales, Fêtes etc., where pitch/table will be sold. Insurance cover cannot be offered to groups booking on regular basis except at the discretion of the Insurance Company.

13.4 Hirers must comply with any conditions which the insurance company may impose in respect of any extra insurance risk and the Hirer will be charged with the cost of any additional insurance which is necessary for the Council to take out.

13.5 Hirers must ensure that any third-party company such as entertainers, DJs and catering companies they employ have public liability insurance (minimum of £5) to cover all activities and equipment for the duration of the hire. Copy of the insurance must be submitted to the council before booking confirmation can be sent.


14.1 Equipment may be available at the appropriate charge if requested on the booking form. The Hirer will be responsible for indemnifying the Council through the hire fee for all losses or damage to such equipment occurring during their period of hire.

14.2 All equipment must be pre-booked prior to the date of hire.

Safeguarding of children and vulnerable people    

Runnymede Borough Council is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable people. If children or vulnerable people are involved in any part of the event the Hirer must ensure they comply with all legislative and regulatory requirements and follow any published government guidelines.

Hall hire FAQs

Find answers to common questions about hall hire, including booking, costs, and availability.

Hall hire FAQs