Guildford Street improvements

Planning permission guidance

If you are looking to change the shop front in Chertsey town centre, particularly along Guildford or Windsor Street, then it is likely that your property will be within the designated Conservation Area. This means there are additional controls on the type and style of shop fronts that can be erected, that may require planning permission. Also, there are many Statutorily Listed Buildings (SLBs) and Locally Listed Buildings (LLBs) in this area that have higher levels of protection, and proposals for SLBs require an additional application (called Listed Building consent) to ensure any proposed changes will not harm it. You can check using our online maps if your property is covered by any of these designations.

If your proposal needs planning permission, you can, before submitting a planning application get advice from the Council through our pre-application advice service. There are fees involved with this, particularly for heritage-related advice if your property is in the CA, a LLB or a SLB. Using this service is not mandatory, but it is something that you might find useful to help refine your ideas for your shop front before getting too far into the process and potentially finding it is not likely to get the required permission(s). The more information you can provide as part of this, the better and more detailed feedback the Council will be able to give you. 

You may want to engage the services of a planning consultant to guide you through the planning application process, however this is not mandatory, and the Council cannot recommend any particular companies, however, the easiest way to submit your application is via the Planning Portal. We would however say that there may be some technical documents required (e.g., Heritage Assessments, or producing drawings to scale), which you may find easier to have done by specialists. 

When you submit your planning application to the Council, you will need to pay a fee. Depending on the level of works proposed, you will need to apply for what is called ‘full permission and display of advertisements’, ‘full permission and Listed Building consent’, ‘consent to display advertisements’ and ‘Listed Building consent’ (the latter is for proposals affecting SLBs).   The fees for each of these types of application varies. Please note that these fees have been set by Central Government and not by Runnymede Borough Council.

The Council has a document which will help you determine what information you will need to submit as part of a planning application. This is called the validation checklist and for shop front applications this will include:

  • A completed application form
  • The correct fee
  • A location plan
  • A Design and Access Statement (for SLBs)
  • Existing and proposed elevation drawings
  • A Heritage Statement (particularly if this is with the CA, or affects a SLB or LLB, but can also be applicable to those sites close to these areas / properties as impacts on the setting of heritage assets also needs to be assessed)
  • A lighting assessment (if the application includes illuminated advertisements / signs / external lighting)

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and you will need to check yourself to ensure that you have provided all the required information prior to submitting your application. 

All plans should be drawn to an identified standard metric scale and given a title and or drawing number. As the Council has moved to an electronic planning system, plans should be submitted in pdf format with a scale bar.

Once your application has been submitted to the Council, it will be checked against the validation checklist to ensure the Council has all the required information needed to make a decision upon it. If this is the case it will then be validated, registered and assigned to a case officer. A decision should be issued within eight weeks from the date of registration, unless you agree (in writing) a different timescale with the case officer. The case officer may also contact you during this period if they need any further information, clarifications or additional drawings to help them make a decision. 

When you are preparing a planning application for a shop front, there are a number of key documents you would need to take account of, including:

The Runnymede 2030 Local Plan - particularly policies EE1, EE4 (if your property is a SLB), EE5, EE8 (if your property is a LLB) and IE6. 

The Chertsey Conservation Area Appraisal - particularly sections 6.1 and 6.2 (as these refer to Guildford and Windsor Street respectively), 7.3 (Shopfronts), 8.1 (Control measures) and 8.4 (Advice on design and new development - especially 8.4.18 to 8.4.26 as this relates to shop fronts). 

The Runnymede Design Guide - Supplementary Planning Document.

Please be aware that the Council will require proof that the relevant permissions have been obtained prior to re-imbursing you for any works undertaken as part of this scheme. Just because your proposed changes have been applied for, or been granted monies towards improvements, this, in of itself, will not affect (either positively or negatively) the likelihood of any planning permission being granted. This is because the planning process is separate from the awarding of grants.

Note: the cost of applying for pre-application advice, professional fees, planning permission etc. will not be covered by the grant scheme. Monies that may be awarded are solely for funding the physical improvements to the relevant property. 

If you have any queries in relation to the planning element of your application for grant funding or are seeking formal planning advice email planning

If you have any other non-planning questions in relation to this grant funding scheme email 

Logos for Runnymede Borough Council, Powered by Levelling up and Funded by UK Government

Get in touch about planning requirements

If you have any queries in relation to the planning element of your application for grant funding or are seeking formal planning advice, check the planning permission section on our website or email planning section.

Shop front grant - expression of interest

Grants of up to £20,000 are available to Chertsey businesses who want to smarten up their frontages, The money can pay for new shop fronts, repairs, restoration work and new signage intended to be more in keeping with the heritage of the area

Guildford Street shop front grant expression of interest
Shop front in Chertsey