When you are preparing a planning application for a shop front, there are a number of key documents you would need to take account of, including:
The Runnymede 2030 Local Plan - particularly policies EE1, EE4 (if your property is a SLB), EE5, EE8 (if your property is a LLB) and IE6.
The Chertsey Conservation Area Appraisal - particularly sections 6.1 and 6.2 (as these refer to Guildford and Windsor Street respectively), 7.3 (Shopfronts), 8.1 (Control measures) and 8.4 (Advice on design and new development - especially 8.4.18 to 8.4.26 as this relates to shop fronts).
The Runnymede Design Guide - Supplementary Planning Document.
Please be aware that the Council will require proof that the relevant permissions have been obtained prior to re-imbursing you for any works undertaken as part of this scheme. Just because your proposed changes have been applied for, or been granted monies towards improvements, this, in of itself, will not affect (either positively or negatively) the likelihood of any planning permission being granted. This is because the planning process is separate from the awarding of grants.
Note: the cost of applying for pre-application advice, professional fees, planning permission etc. will not be covered by the grant scheme. Monies that may be awarded are solely for funding the physical improvements to the relevant property.
If you have any queries in relation to the planning element of your application for grant funding or are seeking formal planning advice email planning
If you have any other non-planning questions in relation to this grant funding scheme email businessrunnymede@runnymede.gov.uk