2030 Local Plan Review Evidence Base documents

Housing and economic supply evidence (SLAA)

Interim 5-Year Housing Land Supply Statement

Considering the requirements of the 2024 National Planning Policy Framework, the Council has published an interim 5 Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement. This shows that the Council can demonstrate 3.92 years supply of housing as of 1 April 2024. Please note that this calculation is an interim figure, and an updated 5 Year Housing Land Supply will be calculated in the summer. 

Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA)

The Council is required to produce a Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA). The SLAA helps to identify future sources of land to help meet the area’s development needs. It is a technical study which assesses particular areas of land supply in the Borough to determine how far each is suitable, available and achievable (viable) for development or to support development.

SLAA 2024: Call for sites

The Council undertook a Call for sites for the 2024 SLAA from Wednesday 15 May 2024 until Sunday 16 June 2024.

As part of the SLAA process, sites can be suggested for housing, employment, retail, leisure, health, Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and mixed-use schemes. The housing category includes general housing (including market and / or affordable homes), self- / custom-build schemes, Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation, student accommodation, accommodation for older people, or a mix of housing types.

For the 2024 SLAA, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a new category of potential land use that has been introduced by Government. BNG is an approach to development that makes sure that habitats for wildlife are left in a measurably better state than they were before the development and is mandatory under Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021).

More information about this can be found on the Governments website:

If you wish to suggest a new site, or to amend the details of a previously submitted site for the SLAA and / or the Brownfield Register, please complete and then submit the below Site Nomination Form to the Council.

SLAA site nomination form

If you do not want to use the above online form, you can email planning policy and we can send you a Microsoft Word version of the form to complete and return. The completed form and a site plan (1:1250 or 1:2500 in scale), with the boundaries of the site clearly outlined, should both be submitted as attachments in an email to planningpolicy@runnymede.gov.uk or posted to:

Planning Policy Team
Runnymede Borough Council
Civic Centre
Station Road

The above contact details can also be used to request hard copy nomination forms.

Please note that although the formal Call for sites period ran between Wednesday 15 May 2024 and Sunday 16 June 2024, Runnymede Borough Council will still accept site submissions outside of this period. However, it is not guaranteed that sites submitted after the deadline of the 16 June 2024 will be included in the 2024 SLAA. It would, however, be kept for inclusion in any future iteration of the SLAA. 

Update to the Joint Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) Methodology

The Council produced a draft updated Joint Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) Methodology for Runnymede and Spelthorne Borough Councils. This was consulted upon between 15 May and 16 June 2024. Following the review of the comments received in relation to the draft Methodology, no changes were made to the draft version and therefore the final version of the Strategic Land Availability Assessment Methodology can be found below:

Runnymede Borough Council produced an update to the Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) 2018 in the 2021 SLAA. The 2021 SLAA has been produced to support the review of the Runnymede 2030 Local Plan. The report contains indicative housing trajectories, including an update to the Council’s 5-Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) position, as an appendix to this report.

2021 SLAA

The 2021 SLAA is available to view below.

The 2021 SLAA site assessments and their associated maps are available to view in the area Appendices below. One has been produced for each settlement Area in the Borough. SLAA sites can be viewed in the context of the Borough on Maps - Runnymede's interactive mapping service

Get in touch about planning policy

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.