2030 Local Plan Review Evidence Base documents

Sustainable place

To support the review of the 2030 Local Plan, the Council has prepared a series of evidence on its approach to sustainable places. The evidence is set out in 3 stages with Stage 1 setting out how the Council defines areas of the Borough for the distribution of development, Stage 2 models the accessibility of potential development sites to a range of services and Stage 3 (yet to be commenced) takes the form of site selection where other aspects of sustainability are taken into account in drawing rounded conclusions on the sites most appropriate for allocation in the next iteration of the Local Plan.

Sustainable Places Stage 1 – Defining Areas

Policy SD1 of the 2030 Local Plan identifies the different settlements in the Borough and how the overall development requirements of the plan (housing, employment, retail etc) are distributed between them.

Currently, the extent of settlement areas identified in Policy SD1 are largely based on the existing settlement pattern and their surrounds. Stage 1 of the Sustainable Places evidence reviews the Policy SD1 area boundaries to see whether they are still fit for purpose and/or whether any adjustments are required given changes to ward boundaries and designation of Neighbourhood Areas since the 2030 Local Plan was adopted. This will ensure that when development is distributed in the 2030 Local Plan review, it is clear where in the Borough this is being directed and how much development overall is proposed in each settlement area. This will be important in understanding and planning infrastructure to support growth.

It should be noted that the Stage 1 Sustainable Places evidence reviews the boundaries of areas identified in Policy SD1 for the distribution of development only. It does not amend any boundaries between the urban areas of the Borough and the Green Belt.

Sustainable Places Stage 2 – Accessibility

Stage 2 of the Sustainable Places evidence looks at the accessibility credentials of sites identified within the 2021 Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) with a few exceptions (which are clearly set out within the web-based tool).

The Stage 2 evidence looks at the accessibility of sites by walking, cycling and public transport to a range of essential services and facilities. The Stage 2 evidence draws on the objectives of the Surrey Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) and has been carried out on behalf of Runnymede by Surrey County Council.

The Stage 2 evidence takes the form of a web-based tool so that viewers can see visually with the use of mapping how sites perform against accessibility criteria and each other. A link to the web-based tool is set out below.

It should be noted that the Stage 2 work is just one piece of the Council’s evidence which will need to be considered in the round in the Stage 3 work on site selection. It does not make any assumptions on which sites may or may not be allocated in the future.

Sustainable Places Stage 3 – Site Selection Methodology & Assessment

Stage 3 of the Sustainable Places evidence will take the form of a Site Selection Methodology & Assessment (SSMA). This will consider the sustainability of potential development sites in the round using the accessibility evidence from Stage 2 along with other considerations.

A similar exercise was undertaken for the 2030 Local Plan and found to be robust by the Local Plan Inspector. Consultation on the methodology for the SSMA will take place with the Issues & Options consultation. Work on the assessment itself will commence following Issues & Options consultation to ensure all reasonable alternative sites are considered and views on the methodology taken into account.


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