2030 Local Plan Review Evidence Base documents

Retail & town centre uses study

To support the 2030 Local Plan Review, the Council has carried out a Retail & Main Town Centre Uses Study. The study updates the forecast of retail floorspace needs across the Borough and for each of its centres over a 20 year period from 2022 to 2042.

The study also undertakes a health check of the Borough’s town centres at Addlestone, Chertsey & Egham and considers whether any changes are required to 2030 Local Plan retail policies, including the extent of centre boundaries, primary shopping areas and shopping frontages as well as the mix of uses in centre locations. The study also makes recommendations on town centre allocations.

The study comes in four volumes. Volume A contains the main report and recommendations, Volume B the retail spend and floorspace forecasts, Volume C the full town centre health checks and Volume D the results of the telephone and face to face surveys carried out by NEMS.


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