On the move

Sign the Stop Idol pledge

Stop Idol Pledge Counter : 0

We want to make an effective and lasting positive impact on Runnymede’s air quality whilst helping to reduce local emissions for future generations. To support this, Runnymede Borough Council is launching the ‘Be a Stop Idol’ anti-idling campaign as part of our Climate Change Communications Plan 2024-25

We will be raising awareness of the negative, yet entirely avoidable, financial, health, and environmental impacts caused by idling behaviour and are asking you to pledge to become a Stop Idol. As a Stop Idol, you will be setting an example for others by turning off your engines when stationary for extended periods and acting as a role model within the community. To find out more about idling and its impacts, visit our Be a Stop Idol campaign page

The details you provide through the pledge will be held by the Council until the end of the financial year 2024-25 and managed in accordance with the Council’s privacy policy By signing the pledge you confirm that you have read and understood this policy.

Get in touch about Climate change

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