Infrastructure Delivery and Prioritisation SPD
To support the implementation of a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Runnymede has prepared an Infrastructure Delivery & Prioritisation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The SPD sets out a hierarchy of infrastructure and how the Council will prioritise its infrastructure spending. The SPD also clarifies the Council's approach to Section 106 contributions on adoption of CIL and sets out the basis for calculating developer contributions through Section 106 agreements.
Following two rounds of public consultation the Infrastructure Delivery & Prioritisation SPD was adopted by the Council's Planning Committee on the 4 November 2020 with modifications. The SPD and accompanying documents can be viewed below.
Adopted Infrastructure SPD
Adoption Statement
Statement of Inspection Procedure - COVID revised
Reg 12 Statement of Consultation
Infrastructure Delivery SPD HRA SEA Screening July 2020
Infrastructure SPD Equality Screening
Hard copies of the Infrastructure Delivery & Prioritisation SPD and Adoption Statement are also available to view at local libraries within the Borough as set out in the Statement of Inspection above.
Calculating Developer Contributions
To help applicants calculate the level of Section 106 developer contributions the Council will use as the starting point for negotiation, the Council has prepared a Developer Contributions spreadsheet calculator which can be found below.
Further advice for applicants on planning obligations can be found on the Council's planning obligations
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