Supplementary Planning documents and other guidance

Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

It is paramount that local people in Runnymede have the opportunity to live in decent and affordable homes.  Securing homes for all is key to ensuring that people have decent life chances and it also helps to build strong communities and boost the economy.

The Council is committed to increasing the delivery of affordable housing, as set out in the Runnymede Housing Strategy Statement 2021-2026 (February 2021). The Council’s aspiration, as set out in the Housing Strategy Statement, is “for sufficient and affordable, good quality housing that is accessible and suitable for local people in Runnymede. We are responding to the changing demographic and economic needs of our communities to deliver housing that promotes health, wellbeing and financial stability.” 

This SPD sets out the Council’s approach to securing planning obligations in respect of affordable housing from new development across the Borough. It also aims to provide clarity and guidance on implementing the Runnymede 2030 Local Plan affordable housing policy (Policy SL20) by setting out when, how and what affordable housing the Council expects in new developments. The Affordable Housing SPD was adopted on 13 April 2022, with implementation from 20 April 2022. Its contents are a material consideration in decision making in the Borough.

A copy of the adopted SPD, Adoption Statement, Regulation 12 Consultation Statement as well as the screening determinations for Strategic Environmental Assessment/Habitats Regulations Assessment and updated Equalities Impact can be viewed below

The Council’s list of the Council’s preferred affordable housing providers can be viewed in the document below:


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