Runnymede Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Runnymede Design SPD seeks to provide design guidance to supplement policies within the adopted Runnymede 2030 Local Plan so that applicants are clear about the Council's expectations for development and high-quality design. Together, the Local Plan and this SPD seek to meet the National Planning Policy Framework's (NPPF) requirement for achieving well designed places and provide Council policy that sets out a clear design vision and expectations for the Borough.
The Runnymede Design SPD was approved for adoption by the Planning Committee on 23 June 2021 and was implemented on 15 July 2021. It supersedes the Householder Guide (2003) and the Runnymede Urban Area Character Appraisal (2009).
A copy of the adopted SPD, Adoption Statement, Regulation 12 Consultation Statement, Inspection Procedure as well as the screening determinations for Strategic Environmental Assessment/Habitats Regulations Assessment and Equalities Impact can be viewed below.
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