Runnymede Parking Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Parking guidance associated with new development is an important element of the Council’s strategy to support sustainable development and to help encourage modal shift to more active and sustainable travel options such as walking, cycling and the use of public transport, in line with national planning policy (the NPPF).
The Runnymede Parking Guidance SPD seeks to ensure the provision of appropriate levels of car, cycle parking and electric vehicle charging points for different types of new development in the Borough. The guidance applies to both residential and non-residential development, and sets out provision for car parking, cycle parking, and parking for people with limited mobility. The increased use of car clubs is also considered as is the approach to parking requirements within or associated with controlled parking zones (CPZs).
The Runnymede Parking Guidance SPD was adopted by the Council on 9th November 2022 with an implementation date of 16th November 2022. A copy of the adopted SPD, Adoption Statement, Regulation 12 Consultation Statement, Inspection Procedure as well as the screening determinations for Strategic Environmental Assessment/Habitats Regulations Assessment and Equalities Impact can be viewed below.
The Surrey County Council Vehicular, Cycle and Electric Vehicle Parking Guidance for New Development (November 2021) and also the Project Centre Limited report on Recommended Parking Standards for Purpose Built Student Accommodation and Office Development (March 2022) documents are also available to view below for reference:
Runnymede Parking Guidance Supplementary Planning Document - November 2022
Adoption Statement
Regulation 12 Statement of Consultation
Inspection Procedure
SEA/HRA Screening
EqIA Screening
SCC Vehicular, Cycle and Electric Vehicle Parking Guidance for New Development (November 2021)
Project Centre Limited report - Recommended Parking Standards for Purpose Built Student Accommodation and Office Development (March 2022)
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