Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The SPD identifies the energy and carbon emissions reduction policy requirements of the Runnymede 2030 Local Plan and provides clarity for both applicants and decision-makers on how the requirements can be achieved and evidenced, and preferably exceeded wherever possible.
The SPD includes detailed guidance for applicants of major development proposals on how to produce robust Energy Statements which demonstrate how each step of the energy hierarchy has been considered. It also includes a questionnaire that applicants for minor development proposals can use to provide information which is proportionate to the size and scale of their proposal.
The SPD aims to ensure that energy and carbon emissions reduction remains an integral part of a development’s design and evolution, to bring about effective climate change mitigation.
The SPD was approved for adoption by the Planning Committee on 25 September 2024 and was implemented on 3 October 2024. A copy of the adopted SPD, a Word version of the questionnaire, and other supporting documentation can be viewed below:
Adopted Runnymede Energy & Climate Change Mitigation SPD
- Word version of the questionnaire for non-major developments
Adoption Statement
Regulation 12 Consultation Statement
Statement of Inspection Procedure
SEA and (HRA) Screening Report, including Screening Determinations
Equality Screening Report
Hard copies of the SPD and Adoption Statement are also available to view at local libraries within the Borough as set out in the Statement of Inspection Procedure above.
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