Household Support Fund

What we can help with

The level of discretionary relief awarded will be capped at £2000.00 per household to ensure as many people as possible are supported. You can apply for more than one form of support subject to the stated limits.

The more detailed explanation you provide, the quicker we will be able to make a decision. For clarity, there are limits on the funds available for each category.

Type of support Comments

Food (support with food shopping)

£80.00 per household with children

£50.00 per household without children

  • No more than 1 Hugg Groceries voucher per calendar month

Applicants must be able to demonstrate their household income is below £35,000 per year and have savings of less than £6,000

The following information must be supplied:

  • National Insurance number
  • latest two consecutive months bank/building society statements for all accounts held in the household. These must clearly show:
  • name(s) of the account holder
  • all transactions (including income, fuel bills, rent and regular payments where possible)
  • sufficient evidence to prove that the household income is below £35,000 per year and has less than £6,000 in savings.  

Utility bills where non-payment would cause enforcement action: energy bills for any form of fuel that is used for the purpose of domestic heating, cooking or lighting, including oil or portable gas cylinders or water bills 

If you have arrears on your utility bill we might be able to help if you send in a or meter reading bill dated in the last 30 days.

Up to £150.00 for electricity, gas or water.

  • No more than 1 payment to be made in each calendar month
  • You must show that any previous payment has been used to pay your arrears, before another payment will be issued
  • Meter top ups are limited to £50

Applicants must be able to demonstrate their household income is below £35,000 per year and have savings of less than £6,000
The following information must be supplied:

  • National Insurance number
  • latest two consecutive months bank/building society statements for all accounts held in the household. These must clearly show: 
    • name(s) of the account holder
    • all transactions (including income, fuel bills, rent and regular payments where possible)
    • sufficient evidence to prove that the household income is below £35,000 per year and has less than £6,000 in savings.  

The qualifying periods are set out on the website

To claim version 1 use the online form.

Apply for Grant