Household Support Fund

Trusted partner organisations

The level of discretionary relief awarded will be capped at £2,000.00 per household to ensure as many people as possible are supported. You could be nominated for more than one form of support subject to the stated limits.

Type of support version 2 Comments
Food (support with food shopping) £80.00 per household with children or 
£50.00 per household without children
Utility bills (energy bills for any form of fuel that is used for the purpose of domestic heating, cooking or lighting, including oil or portable gas cylinders. It can also be used to support with water bills including for drinking, washing, cooking, and sanitary purposes and sewerage) where non-payment would cause enforcement action

£500.00 one off maximum per household for electricity, gas or water

Repair or replacement of essential white goods (essentials linked to energy and water such as boiler service/repair, purchase of equipment including fridges, freezers, ovens)

£500.00 maximum per household

Travel expenses (essential transport-related costs such as repairing a car or MOT, buying a bicycle or rail ticket)

£350.00 maximum per household

Wider essentials (support with other bills including broadband or phone bills, clothing and school uniform)

£350.00 maximum per household

Wider essentials (one-off payments to prevent a crisis)

£1000.00 maximum per household

Rent arrears (In exceptional cases of genuine emergency where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need)

£2,000.00 maximum per household.
Payment will be made direct to the rent account

Ukrainian guests will be able to claim help with essentials linked to energy and water, travel expenses and wider essentials where they and/or their household are unable to buy essential items, pay for travel, clothing or mobile phone bills.

Are you confident you are receiving all the benefits or tax credits you are entitled to?  Are you stressed about debt or worrying about how to make your money stretch further?  Help is out there!  Citizen’s Advice have teamed up with Surrey County Council to offer tailored financial advice to check that your finances are in the best shape they can be.

If you are interested in finding out more, and how you might be able to maximise your income, please contact Surrey’s Welfare Line on 0300 200 1008 and ask to be referred for ‘HSF advice services’.