Retail and Town Centre Studies (policy documents and guidance)
Centre hierarchy
This report defines a centre hierarchy for the Borough, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework, taking into account the differing sizes and functions of the existing centres.
The centre hierarchy enables the Council to have a better understanding of the roles of its centres. It does so by grouping together those centres that have similar functions and characteristics.
Centre Hierarchy Report (March 2017)
Town and Local Centres Boundaries Review
This review will be used by the Council to support the proposed policies to be contained in the new Runnymede 2035 Local Plan.
The review provides evidence, justification and recommends changes to the existing town centre boundaries and their shopping cores. The review also supports the proposed definition of local centre boundaries and supports the proposed definition of primary shopping areas, primary shopping frontages and secondary shopping frontages in the Borough's local centres.
Town and Local Centres Boundaries Review (March 2017)
Runnymede Town and Local Centres Study 2015
Carter Jonas was commissioned by Runnymede Borough Council in February 2015 to update the retail evidence base (i.e. the Runnymede Retail Study 2009 and the Retail - Evidence Base: Update 2012) to help inform both plan-making and decision-taking across Runnymede.
The report has been produced in line with national policy and current planning guidance which requires that each local planning authority ensures that their Local Plan is based on adequate, up-to-date and relevant evidence about the economic, social and environmental characteristics and prospects of the area.
The NPPF is clear that local planning authorities should use this evidence base to assess (amongst other things) the needs for land or floor space for economic development, including both the quantitative and qualitative needs for all foreseeable types of economic activity over the plan period, including for retail and leisure development.
A focused consultation on the draft Runnymede Town and Local Centres Study was carried out between 4 September and 2 October 2015. The representations made on the draft report and the officer responses to the comments made can be viewed in the table below. The final study (published November 2015) can also be viewed below.
Runnymede Town and Local Centres Study (November 2015)
Masterplans for Town Centres
This page contains the masterplans for Chertsey and Egham Town Centres.
In 2013 the Council, alongside Surrey County Council commissioned independent master plans for Chertsey and Egham town centres. Although not planning documents, the master plans identify specific design enhancements and local development opportunities for further regeneration. These two masterplans can be viewed below:
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