A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) is carried out by each local planning authority in cooperation with the Environment Agency (EA), to inform the preparation of its Local Plan.
Strategic sequential test
The council has carried out a sequential test of all potential development sites which have been identified in the council's 2018 Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA), and which have been considered through the council's wider site selection work which has underpinned the development of a new Local Plan for Runnymede.
Below is the methodology that has been followed by the council as well as the outputs from this strategic sequential testing and a covering note highlighting key findings. The amended version below dated April 2018 replaces the January 2018 version which underpinned the council's draft Local Plan consultation in January 2018.
Strategic Sequential Test Methodology (April 2018)
Strategic Sequential Test (April 2018)
Strategic Sequential Test Covering Note (April 2018)
Level 2 SFRA (April 2018)
In support of the council's ongoing Local Plan work, a Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment has been produced. The amended version below dated April 2018 replaces the January 2018 version which underpinned the council's draft Local Plan consultation in January 2018. This considers flood risk from a range of sources in detail on proposed Local Plan development allocations where part of the land is located in an area at risk of fluvial flooding.
Site Specific Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Write Ups
Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Site 51 - Byfleet Road (April 2018)
Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Site 60 Pyrcroft Road (April 2018)
Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Site 157 - Egham Gateway (April 2018)
Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Site 255A Chertsey Bittams (April 2018)
Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Site 256 Thorpe Lea Road (April 2018)
Level 1 SFRA (January 2018)
The SFRA document covers catchment wide flooding issues from all relevant flood sources that affect the area. This includes rivers, groundwater, surface water and sewers/drainage. More information regarding flood risk can be found on the Environment Agency website.
The latest Level 1 SFRA for the borough was completed in January 2018 and can be viewed below. It considers flood risks from all sources across the borough, defines the extent of the functional floodplain in Runnymede and also provides applicants with detailed guidance on how the sequential and exception tests will be applied in Runnymede.
Updates to Flood Risk Zones 2 and 3a in respect of river flooding are published quarterly by the Environment Agency. We regularly incorporate these updates into our GIS as they are brought to our attention. Information on, and maps of, Flood Risk Zones 2 and 3a are available from the Environment Agency 'Flood Risk Standing Advice for England'
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