2030 Local Plan Evidence Base documents

Gypsies and travellers (policy documents and guidance)

The Council is required to assess the accommodation needs of its travelling community.

Runnymede Gypsy and traveller accommodation assessment (January 2018)

The Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2018 (GTAA) was produced by Opinion Research Services. As well as updating previous GTAAs, another key reason for completing the study was the publication of a revised version of planning policy for traveller sites in August 2015. The GTAA provides a robust assessment of current and future need for Gypsy, traveller and travelling showpeople accommodation in Runnymede and is available to view below. The GTAA 2018 was published in January 2018. The GTAA 2018 was re-published in May 2018; however the only changes made to the document were the removal of the word 'draft'.

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