2030 Local Plan Evidence Base documents

Viability assessment, site selection and capacity work (policy documents and guidance)

Site capacity analysis (December 2017)

Alongside the Site Selection Methodology and Assessment (SSMA), Runnymede has also undertaken a capacity analysis of the sites recommended for development. The capacity analysis considers how much development could be delivered on a site while taking account of issues such as type of development, density, and the need to provide green infrastructure.

A draft site capacity analysis informed the preparation of the additional sites and options consultation which has been refined into a final version to support the draft Local Plan.

The final site capacity analysis and previous draft are available to view below

Site capacity analysis addendum (April 2018)

A final site capacity analysis addendum report has been produced to reconsider the capacity for a number of the proposed sites for allocation in the Local Plan.

It follows updates to constraints, responses to the draft Local Plan consultation (where considered appropriate), and further site visits and discussions with site promoters and landowners. The site capacity analysis addendum is available to view below:

Site selection

The Site Selection Methodology and Assessment (SSMA) examines potential development sites for allocation in the Runnymede Local Plan against aspects such as accessibility and constraints, and how each performs against the other and Green Belt purposes.


This examines potential development sites for allocation in the Runnymede Local Plan against aspects such as accessibility and constraints, and how each performs against the other and Green Belt purposes.

A draft assessment was published alongside the Local Plan issues, options and preferred approaches document in summer 2016 in order to support the preferred sites set out within it.

A second version of the SSMA was prepared to support the Local Plan additional sites and options consultation in summer 2017.

The SSMA has now been further refined into a final version to support the draft Local Plan and is available to view below as well as the two previous versions of the SSMA.

Viability Assessment

Andrew Golland Associates (AGA) was appointed in 2016 to carry out Whole Plan Testing (WPT) of the emerging Local Plan.

Local Plan viability assessment

The below document contains the WPT, undertaken to support the council's draft Local Plan consultation.  

Following the consultation of the draft Local Plan (Regulation 19) AGA updated the viability evidence to include additional policy costs. This can be viewed below:

During the 2030 Local Plan Examination the Council carried out further viability assessment (RBCLP_51) to confirm viability for those sites contingent on the A320 improvement works. The A320 Impact & Longcross Garden Village Viability Study can be viewed below:

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